To One in Paradise (2012) Ritchie Stardreamer Sinclair

To One in Paradise
Ritchie Stardreamer Sinclair
acrylic on canvas, 28" x 58", 2012

Testimonial, To One in Paradise, Ritchie Sinclair, 2012

The first time I saw Ritchie's work, my eyes were intensely drawn to his art: the colours, the lines, and the shapes seemed to be talking directly to my soul. I contacted him, we met several times and he told me about the woodland art, spirit, and how art could be a channel to spirituality. He explained that some of the paintings I had seen were commissions. I got interested and asked him if he would do one for me.

From the whole process, one of the most powerful moments was the day I went to his place to pick up the painting once he had signed it. Ritchie explained how the artwork and I were related. The experience was similar to the one I had the first time I saw Ritchie's paintings: the words he used talked directly to my soul. He described exactly where I was at in my life. The emotions were so intense that there were tears in my eyes. He knew I was at an intersection in my life; that although my future was open and was to be fruitful, for some reason I was still holding on to some elements of my past. I am very interested in history and Ritchie suggested that I transcend my own past by giving it meaning like a historian would do.

This experience was very powerful and meaningful for me. What Richie saw in me, he was able to articulate in his art. He saw the powers that were conflicting in me, suggesting ways to move forward and channel these energies in a way that would allow me to keep progressing in my journey.

To One in Paradise hangs in my living room and I very often sit down, in front of it, and these moments are very intense moments of meditation, which allow me to reflect on the challenges that are mine and the solutions that are available to me.

Jon Kabat-Zinn: "The only way out is through".

Aurélien Bonin

The song, "To One in Paradise", by The Alan Parsons Project (1976) resonates nicely with this painting. After the title of the painting dawned on me, like an old friend, this song returned.